Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Girls will be Girls!!

Okay so the other day after church we ventured to the nearest shopping center.... Wally World!
After way to long and way to much money we FINALLY made it home!
So as Girls do they were off playing with their friends across the street!!
I get a SEMI-PANICED call from Hillary saying "is Shyanne at your house cause we cant find her" i look and no Shy so i said "i will be right over!" at this point not to concerned because Shy is famous for playing by herself and being quiet! so i just figure she was being over looked!
i get over there and we are calling and still no Shy to be found.. i look out their back door and i see her flip flops and i said well she has to be close since she wont just leave her flip flops any where! thats like a woman and her heels...
so i yell "SHY .... SHYANNE!!!.... BUGGABOO... " and then from around the corner she says yeah??!!?? as if i just totally messed up her whole secretive play...
which by now i already gathered that she was just getting into something she probably shouldnt but im pretty sure hillary was freaking out!
so this is what we see....

she had been around the corner painting her own nails... oh joy!! and then to my susprize i notice she had used the nail polish for lipstick as well.... GREAT! i think! so being involved in the hospital the way that i am i called poison controll... knowing that if they told me to take her to the er i probably wouldt have any ways... due to not wanting to look stupid... she says well if she ingested any it will be the acetone that gets to her first and then she will be just a little happy drunk!! well i knew she hadnt eaten it!! so we just waited and nothing happened so thats good!!
i really hate having to go to work on my days off!! ha ha

so lemmie just ask would you kiss this face???

thats the first thing she wanted..."mommy look im pretty now gimmie a kiss..." ha i think not but a few minutes later and a towel with cooking oil and it was all clean and ready for a smooch!


Jenny said...

I wonder if this is the little girl that "grandma" (of "grandma and grandpa" down the street)was looking for. She stopped Jen and I outside and said she was looking for the little girl around the corner.

I would have been scared to death. I'm glad you found her and it wasn't anything more serious!

Thanks for the plate of Birthday goodies. Yum Yum... I am enjoying them now as I type!


Jenny said...

I wonder if this is the little girl that "grandma" (of "grandma and grandpa" down the street)was looking for. She stopped Jen and I outside and said she was looking for the little girl around the corner.

I would have been scared to death. I'm glad you found her and it wasn't anything more serious!

Thanks for the plate of Birthday goodies. Yum Yum... I am enjoying them now as I type!
