Monday, July 16, 2007

Baby Bunnies!

Krystel and Bryant holding two of the baby bunnies!

Its getting closer to us having to get rid of the baby bunnies so all the kids in the neighborhood enjoy playing with them almost on a daily basis!

Its going to be sad to get rid of them...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Krystel and Bryant!

I stole this post from my neighbor Jenny

I thought it was soo cute i just had to share it with ya'll...

Story by: Jenny Randolph

Bryant has a new friend.... or more specifically, a GIRLFRIEND. Up until now, the recipient of Bryant's affection has been Hannah. Of course, since Hannah is an "older lady" by 12 years and technically Bryant's sister, it's probably better that he's moved on :)Meet the object of his new affection... Krystel.
Krystel and her family are our new neighbors. Krystel and Bryant hit it off right from the beginning. I think I can safely say that they're both a bit precocious and have some deffinite attitude. And, they both think they're the shizzle! Yep, they're two peas in a pod.It really started at our 4th of July BBQ. Bryant and Krystel followed each other around all day. In all my pictures from the 4th, Bryant has his arm around Krystel. Every day since then, Bryant wants to talk about Krystel. He's also been opening up the front door to see if Krystel is outside playing. He's all about Krystel.
Bryant putting his arm around Krystel... AGAIN....
And yet AGAIN... (gee, did he get those moves from his dad?)
But, by yesterday, I knew Bryant was totally taken by her... just like all guys are eventually enchanted by their woman.
That's right, my football throwing, belly burping, ninga fighting son let Krystel talk him into playing Barbies with her!And if that wasn't enough, after that they sat on the couch and watched her girly CareBear movie! Yep, he's really smitten with her.
I wonder if Krystel would come to our house and watch Bryant's Power Ranger movie????? Now that would be love!
Cute story dont you think?
We love Bryant and he's welcome to play any day!
Thanks again Jenny!

The 4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July this year!
I am so glad we have met such great neighbors!!
The kids all had so much fun including the "big boys" who got to play with the fireworks...aka the husbands!

I hope you all enjoy our pictures, thanks to my neighbor Jenny!

Thanks Jenny!

Now let me introduce you to some of our new neighbors...

Notice all the wifes have the same name so we have to shorten them differently to tell them

This is Jen and shaun

our neighbors next to us...

Then we have Jenny and Zac

one more door down...

Then Jenny's sister and soon to be brother in law

Suzi and Austin

Getting married on July21st!!

Good luck you to!

and last but never least Jennifer and James

They used to live across the street from us... but i also work with her at Mercy!

Now for the kiddos...

We have Bryant and Cooper

Karsyn and Autmn

and Krystel and Shyanne

not pictured is donny...

Karsyn and Cooper belong to Jen and Shaun

Bryant belongs to Jenny and Zac


Autumn and Donny belong to Jennifer and James


Now for the fireworks...

Here the kids are watching "the snake"

soooo... exciting!

The kids played in the pool til they couldnt play any more...

I think we finally took down the pool at like 11:30 or something!?!

They played on the slip and slide...

They played with chalk...

We had some really great food thanks to everyone!!!

And our neigbors taught us how to play this really cool game called Mexican Trian Dominos!!

It really is fun!

Over all we all had a blast!!

We are really looking forward to spending more time with all of them this summer!!

Group photo!