Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Krystel and Bryant!

I stole this post from my neighbor Jenny

I thought it was soo cute i just had to share it with ya'll...

Story by: Jenny Randolph

Bryant has a new friend.... or more specifically, a GIRLFRIEND. Up until now, the recipient of Bryant's affection has been Hannah. Of course, since Hannah is an "older lady" by 12 years and technically Bryant's sister, it's probably better that he's moved on :)Meet the object of his new affection... Krystel.
Krystel and her family are our new neighbors. Krystel and Bryant hit it off right from the beginning. I think I can safely say that they're both a bit precocious and have some deffinite attitude. And, they both think they're the shizzle! Yep, they're two peas in a pod.It really started at our 4th of July BBQ. Bryant and Krystel followed each other around all day. In all my pictures from the 4th, Bryant has his arm around Krystel. Every day since then, Bryant wants to talk about Krystel. He's also been opening up the front door to see if Krystel is outside playing. He's all about Krystel.
Bryant putting his arm around Krystel... AGAIN....
And yet AGAIN... (gee, did he get those moves from his dad?)
But, by yesterday, I knew Bryant was totally taken by her... just like all guys are eventually enchanted by their woman.
That's right, my football throwing, belly burping, ninga fighting son let Krystel talk him into playing Barbies with her!And if that wasn't enough, after that they sat on the couch and watched her girly CareBear movie! Yep, he's really smitten with her.
I wonder if Krystel would come to our house and watch Bryant's Power Ranger movie????? Now that would be love!
Cute story dont you think?
We love Bryant and he's welcome to play any day!
Thanks again Jenny!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Awesome Blog Cassy! Come over one day and I'll show you a few things to make it easier... plus I'll show you a few hidden features that will make it more fun for you to blog. Can I put a link to my blog on your blog? You're welcome to do the same... if you don't know how I'll show you next time we get together.

I love the pictures... of course! We're glad to know you, Garrett and the girls!